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To such an extent that in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-12-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: to the extent thatto that extentthe moment thatit is apparent thatto some extentsuch-and-suchsuch and suchextent
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(1) He was mad to such an extent that he threatened to kill his father.
(2) Her condition deteriorated to such an extent that a blood transfusion was considered necessary.
(3) The car was damaged to such an extent that it couldn't be repaired.
(4) He had changed to such an extent that I no longer recognized him.
(5) Discontent had grown to such an extent that the government had to withdraw the new tax.
(6) In a warm climate bees flourish to such an extent that hives proliferate in geometric progression.
(7) In cases of asphyxia the blood pressure rises to such an extent that the tiny blood vessels in the teeth burst.
(8) My mental health has deteriorated to such an extent that I had to be admitted to hospital and am currently on sedation.
(9) I was overlooked repeatedly(, to such an extent that I became completely disgusted.
(10) And yet many foods are now refined to such an extent that the natural fibre has been removed.
(11) Answer: by speeding up the processing of applicants to such an extent that the differences are relatively insignificant.
(12) In Gravity's Rainbow, conspiracies proliferate to such an extent that they beggar description.
(13) Asset values are falling to such an extent that it is inevitable many companies will break their covenants.
(14) Sanitary conditions had deteriorated to such an extent that there was widespread danger of disease.
(15) It has increased to such an extent that Ghana can now export maize.
(16) Many foods are refined to such an extent that the natural fibre has been removed.
(17) Now tourism has grown in importance to such an extent that many Third World countries cannot balance their financial budget accounts without their considerable earnings from tourism.
(18) This statement delighted Mike to such an extent that he gave Jimmy a seltzer - and - milk spot.
(19) However, my corresponding Ego fantasy is of losing my wits to such an extent that I am unable to work.
(20) That his warm breath on her face churned up her insides to such an extent that she was forced to lie rigid?
(21) But dressing immodestly hinders the possibilities for true love to develop, for it draws attention to her sexual values to such an extent that it overshadows her value as a person.
(22) However, rampant inflation has been eroding the North Korean won"s value to such an extent that currently it is believed to be worth about the same as the South Korean won.
More similar words: to the extent thatto that extentthe moment thatit is apparent thatto some extentsuch-and-suchsuch and suchextentextentionto the extent ofto a great extentextension agentextent of damageto a lesser extentto a greater extentat that precise momentwith attentionsuch asat thatnot thatmore often than notextendsuch as it isthat muchnot but thatextensorextend toextenderextendedextensive
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